INB-3008(a-l) "Hymn Preludes on Christ King!" Instrumental settings of well-known hymns, Arr. by Dr. Norm Wick.
1. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" Score
2. "Crown Him with Many Crowns"
3. "The King of Love My Shepherd Is"
4. "All Creatures of Our God and King"
5. "Come, O Almighty King"
6. "O Worship the King, All-Glorious Above"
7. "All Glory, Laud and Honor"
8. "Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing"
9. "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"
10. "Rejoice, the Lord Is King"
11. "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven"
12. "Lead On, O King Eternal"