PSB-2045(a-e) Witnesses. Easter or special praise musical for 2-part voices with keyboard or praise band. Words and music by Dr. Norm Wick. Using the background and terminology of a trial, we explore the ministry, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ by comparing what special legal terms (testimony, witness, confession, guilt, conviction, sentencing, punishment, advocate, pardon, etc.) mean to Christians and their redeemed lives.
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1. “Testify” CCLI#5843264 Chorus: "Lord You testify by Your Word, And You testify by Your deeds; Your sacrifice has set me free And gave me grace so sweet; You proved Your awesome love for me When they nailed Your hands and feet." Testify > Score
2. “I Will Confess” CCLI#5843295 Psalm 32:5 tells us "I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the Lord'; and You forgave the guilt of my sins." I Will Confess > Score
3. “Conviction” CCLI#5843312 Chorus: "I have been freed from the sin that would bind me, I left the chains of my old self behind me; Servant of God going out on my mission, All that I do, I do with conviction." Conviction > Score
4. “Witnesses” CCLI#5843367 Chorus: "We are witnesses to the mighty Savior, Witnesses to the things that He said; Witnesses to His resurrection: Yes, Jesus is raised from the dead!" Witnesses > Score
5. “Surrounded” CCLI#5843336 Hebrews 12:1 gives us the transcendent image that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. This final song combines that idea with the words of the heavenly anthem, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was, and is, and is to come." Surrounded > Score